Black Women Speak Out Book is a book on the Stories Of Racial Injustice In America birthed at a time of immeasurable pain and uncertainty in the entire world. Twenty-seven strong black women are breaking their silence on this touchy subject, which has seemingly become a primary topic of conversation overnight in households across our nation. This outcome follows a horrific event caught on camera for the world to see. A black man senselessly murdered in daylight by a white cop. Unlike this story, most never make the headlines. Racism has left a multitude of black women and their families mentally and emotionally damaged, hurt, and scarred. Some have felt helpless at times, unable to defend themselves or those they love from the racial injustices that plague our nation.
The Visionary Authors have joined forces to say “Enough is enough! It’s our time! Time our voices are heard. Time to share our stories. Time to be respected and valued. Time to come together and permanently put an end to racism.” This compilation is filled with heart wrenching stories that have been suppressed, untold, and some even forgotten. These beautiful women speak out on their pain, their stories, and their hope. Hope for fair treatment and equality. Hope for their children and grandchildren. Hope for America. Hope for the future and the day when they are no longer judged by the color of their skin.Get your copy of this historical book by clicking on the "Buy Now" button.
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