Hala Qawiyy


Meet Hala Qawiyy, Software Quality Assurance Engineer at Charles Schwab. Her top strengths are Positivity, Woo, Includer, Achiever, and Responsibility. She is a graduate of the University of Central Texas with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. 

Hala is fluent in German and Arabic (Egyptian Dialect). She is also the mother of three children and grandmother of four grandchildren (two sets of twins). 

Her motivation to support The Triple L Affect is to bring positivity and normalcy to military families and all families across the world using her background, personal and professional experience. 

She shares the unique challenges that she has experienced and uplifts others by pooling resources so that we can all be better, do better, and rise together.

She believe a social statement made time and again, is, “Who you know is almost as important as what you know.” She believes that having a strong network and support system is the key to success in every aspect of our life.

Hala has decades of experience as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Financial Auditor, and Fraud Examiner.

Her hobbies include spiritual health, physical fitness, family, traveling, meditation, social gatherings, and participating in charity events.

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-triple-l-affect/

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